Friday, March 27, 2015

Car Wash vs Detail

Many of our clients ask me what is the difference between a regular car wash and a full auto detail provided by Divine Detailing Avon CT - comprehensive premium auto detailing services. The answer however is very cut and dry, a car wash is a routine regular maintenance service that provides an economical and affordable option to auto owners and lessees to maintain the appearance of their vehicles. However after continual usage of traditional assembly line brush car washes, micro-scratches in the clear coat of your cars paint, known as marring, become prevalent. These micro-scratches are a direct result of the car washes fundamental flaw, their Achilles heel if you will, they focus on volume and cost efficiency. This leads to lack of maintenance on a regular basis of their car detailing ct, facilities and auto detailing equipment.

For instance, say there is a huge line of filthy cars that need a car wash, and they're covered with road debris, rocks, salt, dust, and grime. Now lets say the dirtiest car goes in first and so on. The debris from each vehicle,  gets locked into the the bristles and brushes of the car wash which than are reused on each car throughout the day. So the first car in to the car was gets the better end of the deal and it progressively gets worse as the day goes on. The perils do not stop here, some car wash facilities operate for months with out any true maintenance and comprehensive cleaning of their tools and materials that actually touch and ultimately scratch your paint.